Saturday, March 24, 2007

New Babies!

All of my college friends got together during hte week last week because Tierney was in from out of town. Beth and Kari had new little ones in tow and I wanted to post a couple of pictures. Samantha is Beth's little one. She is the one that I had written about quite awhile back about being 9 weeks premature...but she is doing great now and putting on lots of weight. She is tooo cute! Kyra is Kari's litte one. Kari just recently adopted Kyra and she too is a beautiful baby!!! So much fun to have two more little ones to add to our crew!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's great that you girls all have darling little ones at the same time. Tamme' and her college friends have gone on a "chicks and kids" camping weekend for many years (maybe it's something that you'll want to start). It's great to keep up to date with all of Josiah's many accomplishments; he is a doll! I sympathize with you regarding customer service (having spent almost 25 yrs. at it!). It's nice that you had a chance to get away for the weekend. It's also great that you, Dan and Josiah have a chance this weekend for some family time. Love to all!