Saturday, March 24, 2007

All is Well!

Just thought I would do an update while I had some time today:

Update on ME: Work is chugging along. Some days better than others. It seems like every day they add new constraints on us that make it more difficult to do our jobs well. Most likely do to my job, my moods have good days and bad. Mostly bad because I wish I was at a job that would better provide for my family and a job that wasn't so stressful. Customer service is a very tough industry. I had no idea coming into this job that actually fixing computers wouldn't be the hard is dealing with the customers attitudes that's the hardest part. You'd think that they would be glad they had somewhere to call that could give them the answers they need. But it is more likely that they are wanting a place they can call to get the answers they want to hear. Such is life! I continue to learn more every day about computers and dealing with impatient people!

Update on DAN: Dan is enjoying his first day off in 5 weeks. He has worked 5 weeks straight (meaning every day). Between working a full 40 hour week and a side job that took much longer than expected, he has been gone alot in the past 5 weeks. Josiah and I are loving having him home today. We have just been hanging out, not doing a whole lot. The best way to spend a Saturday. The side job is almost finished and he is going to take a short break from sidework. However the money has been much appreciated at home :) Not sure what we would have done with out it, so I am very grateful that he was able to plunge through the long weeks to get it done.

Update on Josiah: He is doing great overall. A cold and some teeth cutting right now, but on the whole, he is having fun and learning alot. Josiah's most recent discoveries include:
  1. Climbing out of a walker
  2. Opening the door at Day care
  3. And exiting the house for Kim to find him on the porch instead of inside in his walker. Little stinker!!
  4. He can back up and sit down. Funny when he backs up to you and sits on whatever part of your body his butt is touching. For example: your chest :)
  5. He can eat with a spoon all by himself now! Big accomplishment in our house. Still very messy, but he is loving the independence and so am I!!
  6. Tantrumville has hit home! A couple of weeks ago he had a tantrum that lasted 10 minutes, all because I wouldn't carry him down the steps. Screaming at the top of his lungs and lots of banging of the fist.
  7. He can do the motions for the Eensy Weensy spider. Very cute!!
  8. Loves streaking before or after bath time. He gets so excited that he just runs and giggles around the house.

I will post some pictures when I can get my photo software to cooperate!!

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