Sunday, December 10, 2006

A New Phase

Josiah has entered a new phase, one that I am struggling with. Up to this point I have not been bothered that much by crying, early mornings, sleepless nights, 10 toys going at once, running from one thing to the next. But this one is starting to get to me...the one they call INDEPENDENCE!!

The fun thing about a 1 year old becoming independent is that they want to be left alone and do things on their own one second and then they want to cling to you the next. And you never know which one you're going to get. But the best part is the yelling and screaming. If he isn't getting what he wants or if something is going exactly his way he now yells, grunts and screams really loudly. Great fun to take him to restaraunts. Granted he is not always yelling and yes he is still the sweet little angel most of the time. And the yelling is even funny a lot of the time. But when it is a contest of wills (his against mine), that's when I struggle. For example; diaper changing. Let me explain. Today he had a poopy diaper and of course I needed to change it. Lately he has started to really fight me when I am changing his diaper (poopy or wet). But today was an exception. Not only did he fight me, but he rolled and kicked and screamed all the while, I had his legs in my hands and I was trying to wipe him. But no it doesn't stop there...the kid clenches his little butt cheeks so tightly together that I could barely wipe him. That little stinker. He was mad, I was mad. I did get him changed, but then he wouldn't let me put his pants he went to bed without his pants on. I had had it!! 15 minutes later I had to go in and put pants on him and his socks back on because he wouldn't go to sleep without his pants on. Aaaaaaahhhhhhh!! I was so relieved when all was silent and there was no more grunting and yelling at me!!

I think Josiah's terrible 2's have already begun!! He was such a sweet, quiet infant, but that I believe that period has ended and we have begun a new phase. One that I really am looking forward to...I will just need the patience that every mother prays for as their children begin to become independent.

1 comment:

Mindy Richmond said...

I have to say I think you were well overdue for the end of the new baby bliss. He gave you a good year without much trouble and now it's time to rock the boat! Ah, but these will be good stories to tell him when he is all grown up.